Signal processing, Wireless communications, Artificial intelligence Technologies
I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, and the Associate Director of the INformation Security and Privacy: Interdisciplinary Research and Education (INSPIRE) Center. Previously, I was a Research Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, working with Dr. Zhi (Gerry) Tian. I received the Ph.D. degree in Communication and Information System with the "Best Doctoral Dissertation Award" from the School of Information and Communication Engineering, in the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China. My general research interests include the interdisciplinary areas of machine learning, signal processing, wireless communications, and their applications in cyber physical systems. I am a Senior Member of IEEE. I serve as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. I am actively looking for Ph.D. students, motivated for doing research in the areas of machine learning, signal processing, and wireless communications. Graduate assistantships are available. If you are interested in joining my team, please feel free to contact me and send your CV, transcript, GRE/TOEFL scores, and technical papers (if available) to: ywang182@gsu.edu |